ADVANCED Workbook & Charts
(Book 2)

"The Divine Alchemy Healing Workbook is a visual masterpiece, filled with hand designed charts that will take you on an incredible healing adventure"

We  are pleased to announce our follow up book to The Divine Alchemy Healing Pendulum Workbook & Chart Set.

This gorgeous book has been made to work in conjunction with Book 1 and uses the charts in the 1st book along with the added charts in Book 2.

Why we have produced this:

Book 1 gives you a basic set of charts to work on and do a substantial amount of clearing, so as not to overwhelm users we decided to do a separate set of charts for those wanting to work on a deeper level, including new protocols:

  • Clearing Past Karma
  • Working on Negative Past Lives
  • Working through Limiting Relationship Patterns
  • Raising your Frequency to a Successful Manifestation 
  • & Much More.

As always we have included detailed protocols but also encourage you to find your own way of working.
We have produced this from the loving guidance of Archangel Metatron to help you release:
  • Out-dated emotions
  • Traumas
  • Limiting thoughts and beliefs
  • Increase beneficial energies to assist your healing and improve your life.

It’s been designed in a way that is safe and easy to use, however if you would like more help please watch our three part beginners video set on our
YouTube Channel .

"Uncover hidden treasures within yourself, release what no longer serves you, and ignite the alchemy of transformation"

Advanced Charts:
  • Relationship Issues
  • Clearing Energy From Negative Past Lives
  • Karmic Clearing 
  • Negative Effects on Other People
  • Negative Thoughts And Stories We Tell Ourselves
  • Releasing Physical Body Issues
  • Positive Energies For The Physical Body
  • Strengthening Meridians
  • Energy / Emotions Blocking Abundance
  • Positive Energies for Manifestation ( 1 & 2 )
  • Daily Affirmations For Abundance
  • Archetype Limitations
  • Circular Chart Wheel: Which Chart to Use Today

“I have an Abundance of Health, Abundance of Wealth,
Abundance of Love, and Abundance of Joy”