1 to 1 with kelly:

Personal Readings & Healing

1 to 1 with kelly:
Personal  Readings & Healing

If you would like a distant 1 to 1 reading which includes releasing blocked and limiting emotions, energies, beliefs, and then increasing the best energies to move you forward. You can book one by clicking on the link to buy a personal reading. Once You've booked a session through the shop please email me, or fill in the text box on the product page with what theme you would like your session based around.

You will receive an email listing everything that's been identified and worked on as well as recommendations for going forward after the session has taken place. In the email all statements to Divine Spirit and Kelly's guide team will be written out so you can also read them out loud to add your intention into the work that's being done. 

In the session Kelly also uses support sprays from www.angeliccelestialcolours.co.uk and will send links to sprays used.

Kelly has been working with her guide team for 28 years and as an energy worker for almost as long. She has a successful clinic in Surrey UK. Kelly is trained in Hypnotherapy, Conversational Hypnosis, NLP, Coaching, Time-Line Therapy, Divine Transformational Rays Healing, Reiki, Energy Medicine for Gut Health and she is a trainer in Energy EFT, Modern Energy Tapping, Modern Stress Management and Coaching. If you are interested in any of these other services please visit  Godalming Hypnotherapy and Coaching | (godalming-hypnotherapy.com)

Kelly has always been passionate about her work with her clients, and gaining as much understanding of how the unconscious mind works in childhood, through trauma, and how we program ourselves on a daily basis - both positively and negatively. 

1 Hour : £100
1.5 Hours: £140
2 Hours: £175

You can request a reading themed around such things as relationships, blocks to spiritual growth, how to move on from something, or of course, a general reading.


With Kelly or Frog



Using Kellys expansive experience in therapy, spiritual and personal development, she offers varying card readings for customers - starting with a 5 card spread right up to a 10 card spread using a Celtic Cross layout.

All Kellys readings include a pendulum clear which she will implement once the reading is complete.

All readings are done remotely, and the purchaser will receive and email detailing the cards spread, the details of the pendulum clear, and an audio file of the reading.

Customers can choose between a number of decks including Kellys personal favourites: The Archangel Metatron Deck, and The Psychic Tarot.


Frog has been reading Tarot for a shorter period of time, but has found a deep love and affection for both the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck and the Pre-Raphaelite Deck - which very much appeals to his artistic sensibilities.

Frog offers small, simple 3 card readings at this point but will move onto offering more complex readings in due course, including videos of the reading for clients.

As well as doing personal readings for clients, he is particularly interested in pulling in information on less personal topics - world events, the human condition, and even geo-political outcomes.

Take a ride with one of Frogs readings, his intuition and cosmic imagination by booking a reading, and be sure to input in the attached text box all themes and information you would like addressed which are pertinent to a reading he will provide.

All readings are done remotely, and the purchaser will receive and email detailing the cards spread, and an audio file of the reading.

Customers can currently choose between a 2 decks Frog likes to work with : A classic Rider-Waite-Smith deck, and the romantic modern rendition of the deck - The Pre-Raphaelite Tarot.