Kelly & Frog

We are a small company of two who met through meditation  in 2019, and produce everything ourselves from writing the workbook, designing the charts and getting them ready to post to you. We do it all with love and care.

Scroll down for a little more about each of us and further links to our artist galleries.


Kelly has worked with her guide teams since the age of 22 after a dramatic spiritual awakening. This lead her to training in Reiki, which was followed by Hypnotherapy and EFT, and from that time she has had a successful practice working with clients.

Along the way she has trained in many other modalities including coaching, NLP, and has always felt her life has been guided by her guide teams. She works primarily with the over-seeing guides Metatron, Sananda, and Ashtar.

She feels especially connected to animals and has a close relationship with horses, dogs, frogs, and crows. She works on herself with her team of guides every day in the form of meditation, tapping and pendulum work. 


Frog has felt a strong spiritual connection with life since being a child, initially drawn to art, mysteries and music through his formative years. Receiving a bachelors degree in Music during his twenties, his journey took him through a love of musical composition, dance culture, and interests in shamanism.

Growing up in the presence of regular visiting Tibetan Buddhist monks, his love of Buddhism lead him into Theravada and meditation through his recent years.

His artwork, heavily influenced by his interests in graphic art, and spiritual themes began being combined with his new found love of calligraphy in the last decade, and provided a platform for him to express himself in new ways. As well as traditional forms of artistic creation using airbrush and ink, Frog also applies digital techniques to his creations. 

Please see a collection of his artwork on this site by visiting his gallery or through our artist section here.