“Planetfrog” also known as “Frog” is the talented artist behind the books of Divine Alchemy Healing. He also is a composer, and created the music behind “The Highest Light” in our resources section

His visual artistic output of illustration and painting began as a child, and in his teenage years was heavily influenced by airbrush based artists like Alan Aldridge, and Oliver Frey. Other artists that have influenced him have included Alex Grey, and his old school friend Rufus Dayglo who is now a successful comic illustrator.

In the last decade he discovered a new found love in letterforms and calligraphy, and has sought to combine the themes of graphic art and lettering.

His work is thematically reflective of his internal passions and interests: Spirituality, Sacred Geometry, Religion, Mystery, Myth & Symbolism.

Working traditionally with ink and acrylic, his artistic journey has taken him to bridging the worlds between analogue and digital, and so often uses his skill set utilising a Wacom pad, vector programs, A.I., and Blender 3d, along with airbrush, pen, brush, and calligraphic nibs.