
I have been part of the evolution along the way of the charts and workbook. I was suprised how effective and easy it was to work with the charts. Kelly used the charts to help me give up smoking and 6 months on I am still not smoking.  S.E Witley 

Although I was initially a little skeptical about how effective working with a pendulum would be, I was delighted to find the sessions really worked for me. It meant I didn't have to revisit trauma that I'd already spent many years having counselling for that hadn't really helped. Having the workbook myself has made a huge difference to my life. K.B Guildford


I can't tell you what a beautiful book and chart set this is, there is nothing like it on the market! I have used a pendulum for many years on and off and have several books but they usually sit forgotten on the shelf . This book will never suffer that fate. I have been using it daily and am already making significant changes. I cant wait to get the advanced chart set to join this one A.S Wimbledon 

Wow, My workbook arrived beautifully wrapped with some lovely surprises. You can tell Kelly and Frog have put a lot of thought and effort into this - it really shows. I've only just got it but will update you when I've used it for a while. So far I'm very impressed J.D Guildford